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Three drop rides next to each other.


Ride Info

Main Street

Standard, Premium, and Ultimate

Standing at 205 feet in the air, this mind-blowing massive 3-legged steel tower is the only structure of its kind in the Northeast.

The tower is so sky-scratchingly tall, we will give you props just for having the nerve to get in line. Once you strap into your seat, you’ll be well on your way to earning some serious props.

You’ll be hoisted up more than 20 stories in the air as the people below you grow further and further away. When you look down, all you’ll see are your feet dangling in the air and the sheer drop straight beneath you.

There are three ways to get up and down this bad boy. Space Shot blasts you nearly instantly to the top, then bounces you way back down. Turbo Drop slowly lifts you inch by terrifying inch to the top. You chill up there for 10 nerve-destroying seconds, and then you plummet down at about 55 miles per hour, with a few bonus bounces thrown in just for kicks. Combo mode means you’re getting the best of both methods.

You probably had no idea you could hustle up and down 20 stories that fast. You won’t even have time for your jaw to drop. As you crest the top, enjoy your free moment of weightlessness. It’s the craziest, fastest lift and free fall ride you will ever experience. Who’s the super hero now?

Ride Info

Main Street

Standard, Premium, and Ultimate

By the Numbers

45 mph

45 sec


S&S Worldwide

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