Fly Like a Bat. We Provide the Wings.
BATMAN™: The Ride will show you what it feels like to be BATMAN on this deeply intense 55-mile-per-hour juggernaut that is definitely not for the timid. Show your strength and bravery as you take on GOTHAM’s criminal element. You’ll begin by touring the shady, decaying backstreets of GOTHAM CITY. You’ll pass walls of graffiti, crumbling concrete, abandoned equipment, and a bullet-ridden police car. Then it’s time to load up in the BATCAVE for a dark and riveting adventure. You’re about to fight crime on the world’s first inverted, outside-looping coaster, with your feet dangling free in the air.
Following a 10-story lift to the top of the world, brace yourself for a 180-degree swoop and a full 360-degree loop right off the bat. You’re a global superhero; you don’t need to warm up. After escaping that obstacle, now you flip through a one-of-a-kind zero-gravity heartline spin, then a second dramatic vertical loop waiting for you about ten seconds later. Next you’ll be pounded by a tight helix, soar through a wide right turn, and a twist into a dizzying corkscrew.
Watch the ground under your dangling feet whip around as the city below flips over and over, through a tightly packed series of gravity-defying twists that will grind you into submission just like the criminals of GOTHAM CITY.
Fun Facts about BATMAN™: The Ride:
- This ride is the world’s first inverted roller coaster, and the first coaster where riders travel on the outside of a vertical loop.
- BATMAN: The Ride has five inversions (two vertical loops and three heartline spins).
- Each heartline spin provides 3 seconds of zero gravity.
- In 2013, Six Flags Great America featured BATMAN: The Ride Backwards.
- BATMAN: The Ride art is based on the “Legends of Batman and Robin” comics.
- The design for the train is based on a ski chair lift.
- On June 20, 2005, BATMAN: The Ride was awarded landmark status by the American Coaster Enthusiasts at their annual convention.
- In 2004, BATMAN: The Ride was repainted with yellow track and dark purple supports. It was originally painted all black.
- BATMAN: The Ride has been copied by amusement parks all around the world.
- Six Flags Great America’s general manager at the time, Jim Wintrode, developed the concept of an inverted roller coaster featuring inversions.