Daffy Duck Bucket Blasters gets the entire family engaged in a fun water battle. You’re always in for a wacky, crazy ride when you’re with Daffy Duck.
Hold on tight because you’ll spin round and round in water barrels. Riders aren’t the only ones who will experience the excitement. These buckets are equipped with water guns! Riders will not only be able to splash each other, but guests can even get in on the fun. How refreshing, right? From the center of the barrels, riders are able to splash anyone within reach as they go on their twisting adventure. There’s so much twisting and turning in these buckets, you’ll never know where the water will spray next!
Daffy Duck Bucket Blasters sits on top of the ground where the legendary Big Bend coaster once stood. Like Big Bend, tons of memories will be made as a new generation of little thrill seekers in-training take on Daffy Duck Bucket Blasters.