This is a swinging bench ride with a twist. Or a tilt, that is. The Tazmanian Devil himself is your host for this very fun airborne adventure for the smaller little devils in your crew.
Riders pile in to hanging benches suspended from giant Taz arms overhead. An enormous Taz himself sits in the center, and when he starts to spin, watch out for some serious swerve! He revolves around, taking the benches with him, sending you on a swinging, spinning ride. Swirling graphics make Taz look exactly like the whirling dervish you know from classic cartoons. Your little hellions will see what it feels like to be Taz himself, spinning around so fast the world’s a blur!
Then the whole centerpiece starts to tilt, adding a wavy sensation that doubles the fun. This is a little more intense than a strictly junior ride, but not too high or scary to discourage the more adventurous little devils from giving it a spin.