Date: Wednesday, July 27, 2022
Theme: Dance with the Stars
Firm: Mirnovec Pirotehnika
For its second performance in Montréal, Croatian firm Mirnovec Pirotehnika invites audiences of all ages to an international dance competition where, instead of dancers, it will be fireworks illuminating the sky to the colours of tango, twist, jive, waltz, cancan, boogie-woogie, rock’n’roll, samba, and more.
Mirnovec Pirotehnika
Mirnovec Pirotehnika was founded in 1993 and operates several companies in the Balkans as well as one in the Middle East. Since 2001, Mirnovec has competed in international fireworks festivals in Germany, the UK, Italy, France, Belgium, and China. It is the company’s second time participating in L’International des Feux Loto-Québec. At its first presence in 2013, Mirnovec took home the Silver Jupiter.
The fireworks start at 10 p.m., rain or shine.