As far as roller coasters go, there are beasts, there are giants, and then there are Goliaths. Find out why bigger is better on this extremely extreme 50 mile per hour body-blaster that is not for the timid.
As you load into your chair swinging from a suspended overhead track, say goodbye to right side up. Following a 10 story lift to the top of the world, brace yourself for an 80 foot curving plunge into a full 360 degree loop. That’s just for starters.
For the second course you’ll be served a zero-G inverted roll, then a second loop, waiting for you about ten seconds later. Watch the ground under your dangling feet whip around as the park below flips over and over, through a tightly packed series of opportunities to be upside down. There’s a gravity-defying DNA-helix, followed by a double set of corkscrews with enough G-force to make you scream in slow motion. How do a whopping 4 Gs sound? Because that’s what you’ll be taking right about now. All in all, you’ll face a mind-warping five inversions.
Congratulations, you’re standing tall among the giants now.